Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armour so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Ephesians 6:13
It’s essential that when we get dressed for a job we put on all that we need to protect ourselves. When I first ventured into using a chainsaw I discovered that cut resistant trousers, a helmet, visor, boots and cut resistant gloves were recommended. Chainsaws have a habit of kicking back and injuring the user if they hit a knot in the branch.
It would be all too easy to wield the chainsaw, yet end up injuring myself because I didn’t have all the correct clothing. In doing so, I’d have basically removed myself from the frontline. So it is with the armour of God. Every piece is carefully designed and necessary for our protection as we engage in our spiritual warfare.
My assumption that I just needed a chainsaw to get the job done was changed as I listened to someone who had experience on their side. One of the advantages of having Scripture is that we can draw upon the experience of men such as Paul. Pioneers in their day who have left a rich deposit for our benefit. Scripture is God’s critical instruction for the Christian way.
Of course we have to find armour that fits us and is appropriate for the task at hand. When David took on Goliath, King Saul offered him his armour for protection. This would have been the very best money could buy.
Yet, David struggled to get it on. It wasn’t tailor-made for him. His natural fighting talent learnt as a shepherd protecting his flocks, relied on the speed of movement and the swift, fluid action of his catapult arm.
The result may well have gone the other way had David assumed that armour alone, however effective, would keep him safe. We need to be aware of both the nature of the warfare we are engaging with and dress appropriately, whilst ensuring we put on every piece of armour God recommends.
Something to Consider: Have you been fighting in the most suitable armour?
An Action to Take: Start prayerfully putting on each piece of God’s armour at the start of every day.
A Prayer to Make: ‘Lord, help me to put on the armour of God that is made specifically for me in the battles I face.’
Photo by Malik Skydsgaard on Unsplash
Used with Permission