Home Authors Posts by Isaias Lobao

Isaias Lobao

Isaías Lobão is a Presbyterian Pastor in Palmas-TO/ Brazil and a Professor at the Federal Institute of Tocantins. He is doing his Doctorate in History at the University of Valencia, Spain. He has graduated from Theology School at the Evangelical Christian College of Plateau and has a Master's degree in Theology from EST - Superior School of Theology. He holds a Bachelor`s degree in History from the University of Brasília, and also a Bachelor`s degree in Philosophy at the Faculdade Única de Ipatinga. Married to Talita, he is the father of Ana Clara and Daniel. It's Presbyterian. He likes salt pamonha and listening to '70s music.

Deus não Muda

A Bíblia afirma: “Tu, porém, SENHOR, no trono reinarás para sempre; o teu nome será lembrado de geração em geração”. Salmo 102.12. Deus é imutável porque Nele não há progresso, nem retrocesso algum. O Salmo 102.25-27 assim declara: “No princípio firmaste...