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Philippians 2:5–11 ‘He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant…’ (v7)

Jesus, the Servant King! The One who laid aside all majesty and became a man. Fully God, He walked this earth clothed in flesh, coming as a baby, born not in a palace but in an outhouse.

He died a criminal’s death and was buried in a borrowed tomb. During His ministry He showed people the kingdom of His Father in the way He lived and talked. He pointed them to eternal life – that life being found in His own person (John 14:6).

He didn’t preach religion. He talked about reconciliation between God and humankind. And that reconciliation was found in Himself, Jesus, who came as a servant (v7).

After His obedience to God, He has been exalted to the very ‘highest place’ (v9). Although He was rejected by so many when He came as a man to earth, all will one day acknowledge just who He is.

Human nature seems to love elevation! But we have a King who comes to serve, not to be served, ultimately giving His life for us (v8). Those who follow Him will be called to serve too!

We all have different gifts and may find ourselves called to serve in different ways during our lifetimes. If we find ourselves in positions of leadership, we need to remember that the greatest of Christian leaders have been servants (Rom. 1:1).

Leadership is a great responsibility, and if we find ourselves in that place, perhaps we need to first remember this passage in Philippians 2.

If Jesus, who was ‘in very nature God’ (v6), humbled Himself to serve humanity, then how much should we follow His example?

A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord, help me to always remember that You came to serve, not to be served, and that as Your follower, I must do likewise. Help me to serve You faithfully. Amen.’

An Action To Take:
Have you been called to a position of leadership? How are you handling that? What lessons can you learn from the Servant King?

Scripture To Consider:
1 Kgs 3:1–15; Isa. 42:1–9; John 13:1–17; 1 Pet. 5:1–11