Barnabas has delivered food, blankets and other aid to Christian survivors of the devastating Turkey-Syria earthquake.

The distribution of 1,500 boxes containing rice, lentils, chickpeas, bulgar wheat, noodles, beans and salt to families in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo began on 9 February, just three days after the quake. We also gave out several hundred pairs of new shoes.

The next consignment, containing 1,200 food parcels, 1,000 blankets, 250 health kits and 200 coats, is already being distributed in northern Syria to help Christians who lost everything when the 7.8 magnitude quake struck in the early hours of 6 February.

A Christian survivor in the Syrian city of Aleppo receives a box, one of a consignment of 1,500 boxes delivered by Barnabas

We are also about to distribute blankets and heaters to Christian survivors in Turkey.

“Thank you for being there,” said Angela in a video message to Barnabas supporters. Angela is a Christian in Aleppo whose family home was severely damaged by the earthquake. “The Public Safety Committee has evacuated the whole building because there had been many cracks that hit our building,” she explained. “We are staying in a room in a hospital.”

“God bless you all,” she added. “Please continue your prayers to our beloved Syrian brothers and sisters and those who lost their families and loved ones.”

Barnabas is continuing to work to channel your donations to our suffering Christian family in Turkey and Syria. is preparing to transport containers of food from Germany and the Netherlands to help survivors.

A container of dried soup mix donated by a gleaning company in the United States, already on its way to the Middle East, will also be distributed to earthquake victims.

To help us help more Christians suffering in the aftermath of the disaster, please go to our appeal.

Give thanks for our generous supporters whose donations have enabled us to respond swiftly to the ongoing crisis. Pray for the success of all efforts to meet the needs of the suffering, including many of our Christian brothers and sisters.

Project reference: 00-634 (Disaster relief fund)

This article originally appeared on Barnabas Aid/News

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