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Genesis 12:1–4 ‘And all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.’ (v3b)

We linger for our final time on God’s words to Abram. It is clear that it was always God’s intention that Abram’s descendants would be a blessing to other nations. In Isaiah we are told that Israel was to be a light to the nations around (49:6).

In the New Testament the gatherings of Christians across the Roman Empire were to bring a little bit of heaven to earth, so the communities would shine out God’s love and goodness. There is always a subtle balance to be struck within the Christian `1life between your need to know God’s blessing personally and the importance of sharing that blessing with others.

The illustration is used of the difference between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. The Sea of Galilee remains refreshed because it has water going in and flowing out, whereas at the Dead Sea the water is stagnant because it has nowhere to go.

It is sad to say that Christians can enjoy the blessing of God as it comes through God’s Word (read and preached), corporate and private prayer, corporate worship and Holy Communion, but that blessing needs to go somewhere.

As we share the love of God with others, that nourishment has depth because we’re joining in with what God is looking to do in the world. Israel sadly failed in its task by and large, and many local churches are more like the Dead Sea than the Sea of Galilee. We have the opportunity today to become a ‘blessing factory’ that others can benefit from.

A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord, help me to be more like the Sea of Galilee than the Dead Sea in the way I live. Amen.’

An Action To Take:
Think about what you have benefited from via your daily Bible reading and ask God for an opportunity to share that with someone outside the Church.

Scripture To Consider:
Ps. 33; Isa. 49:1–7; Matt. 5:13–16; Phil. 2:12–18