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Serving God and serving others requires high levels of energy and enthusiasm. As a result, there is a lot of tension, mental exhaustion, and physical burnout. I have been there, done that! Here are three self-care practices I engage in to prevent burnout.

Prioritising Personal “Me” Time

Serving the poor and needy might take a lot of time. You don’t have any personal time left for yourself. I’ve come to understand the value of “me” time for the renewal of my soul. Regular ‘time-outs’ offer a welcome break and rejuvenate me. 

Listening to Music

Music is an excellent way for me to unwind and refocus. I constantly listen to worship music because it relieves my tension. Thanks to my calmness of mind, when I return to work, I am better equipped to face obstacles. 

Physical Exercise

I admit that my focus has frequently been disturbed by anxiety and depression. But I have discovered that regular exercise can provide the necessary rejuvenation. Exercise has helped me gain confidence and refocus on my goals.  

Many mistake self-care for a selfish act. For me, taking care of oneself is not being selfish. Self-care enables us to help others more effectively.

Photo by Remy Gieling on Unsplash