‘Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.’ (v5) Psalm 62:5–8
God’s promise and purpose as we respond to His invitation is to meet us in our pursuit of inner peace; rest for our soul. The Centre for Mental Health, following a spending review, reported the cost of mental health difficulties at a record level of £119 billion in 2019– 2020.
Every day, Jesus wants us to find peace – this lies at the very core of our personal friendship with God. This peace impacts four key aspects of our daily life experience: the Holy Spirit acts as our compass to enable us to make peace with God, ourselves, other people, and the circumstances we find ourselves in.
Life ebbs and flows. One moment God seems so distant and I feel alone and forlorn. Then a precious relationship has some problems: my partner, my children, my best friend.
The path God invites us to walk along is to enable us to grow up into maturity in Christ, to become the very best expression of ourselves. Here we discover our rest is in God, who is always our rock, stable and secure (Psa. 62:7).
Let us consider these four compass points and consider how we might both make our peace and learn to rest in the fullness of God, every day.
SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Psa. 72:1–14; Dan. 10:7–19; Rom. 5:1–8; 14:12–19.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: Consider where you are in relation to God, yourself, others and your circumstances. Would you describe yourself as at peace?
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, may I take time to learn to live by your compass, who is the Holy Spirit. Amen.’
Photo by Sam Lion from Pexels