barnabas today devotionals life management

‘Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.’ (vv15–17) Ephesians 5:6–20

 As we learn to walk God’s way, the Holy Spirit acts as our compass to ensure we learn to live our mortal life well. Christianity is both belief and behaviour.

We discover that God empowers us to manage our daily life experiences. This involves our inner world influenced by perception and emotion, as well as the way we interact through participation in the physicality of life.

Such management hinges upon our decision-taking. God recognizes we are subject to the impact others have on our life, which can prove devastating. Yet, God also awakens us to the truth that we can make decisions for our own life. 

Those decisions will be influenced by the impact life has on us – informing our mind, our feelings and our attitudes. But, with God we are invited to listen to the Spirit’s voice and take the brave decision to explore what it means to live under God’s governance.

It takes courage to live for God, obeying His Spirit, as Scripture reveals. Abraham set out on a journey, destination unknown, in his retirement years, whilst Jeremiah gave up his independence. 

Both said yes to God. In a world in which ‘self- actualisation’ is strongly advocated, God asks us to humble ourselves, to surrender our independence and choose to serve God’s purpose first and foremost, even when we cannot see its purpose or benefits. This faith is reflected in our decisions and the fruit of our lives.

barnabas today bible verse ephesians 5.15 17

SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Deut. 26:16–27:9; Jer. 7:20–29; Acts 5:25–42; 1 John 2:3–6. 

AN ACTION TO TAKE: It is a challenge we face every day: will we take decisions that reflect God’s will or our own preferences? This will depend on the confidence we have in God’s compass for life. 

A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, strengthen my resolve to make decisions that reflect Your purpose so that my life may produce kingdom fruit. Amen.’

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Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.