photo by quangpraha on pixabay barnabas today devotionals fishing

‘“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.’ (vv19–20) Matthew 4:18–22

How many of us know we have received this direct invitation from Jesus: ‘follow me’? These two simple words are found 13 times in the Gospels. In response, the first disciples left what they were doing and chose Jesus.

Choosing Jesus is one thing, yet that very decision carries with it a commitment to continue wherever Jesus leads. Clearly, we surrender our will and choose actively to obey God rather than any other authority. 

For those first disciples, it had implications for families, businesses and how they were perceived within their community. There were moments of choice, such as when they abandoned Jesus ahead of His crucifixion (Mark 14:50). This is a stark reminder that following Jesus is organic, always subject to change and development.

This remains every disciple’s challenge, consistently responding to Jesus’ invitation to follow. There is obviously a starting point, but Christianity is an immersive process; we journey ever deeper into our understanding, appreciation and service of God (Matt. 16:24–25).

We need to be ‘all in’ and it’s a challenge. I’ve stagnated at times in my Christian journey, only to discover God is as patient as He is insistent.

Every point of pause offers a fresh opportunity where we’re invited to say yes or no to God. Each pause presents a fresh occasion to renew and grow our faith muscle.

SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Isa. 48:16–19; Num. 14:17–25; Luke 9:18–27; John 14:15–21 

AN ACTION TO TAKE: How difficult do you find walking in Jesus’ footsteps every day? You have the power to press pause or play – which will it be? 

A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, thank You for your patience. I want to rise up and follow You every moment of every day. Help me to exercise my faith muscle. Amen.’

Photo by Quangpraha on Pixabay