barnabas today devotionals commend god together photo by jamiebrown2011 on wikimedia commons

‘One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendour of your majesty – and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They tell of the power of your awesome works – and I will proclaim your great deeds.’ (vv4–6) Psalm 145:3–7

Lockdown reintroduced us to isolation. Normal social life was overnight replaced with living under our own roof, with workplace, shops and cafés no longer available. Many found they struggled with their health and wellbeing.

Community is born in God. As Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – there is a togetherness at the heart of God. The Church reflects this communal life. Society, however, tends to celebrate self-realisation, emphasising the essential nature of the individual within society.

There is always a fundamental question about the individual’s ability to care for themself or to need others’ help. What is the role and responsibility of government, welfare and other mediating structures in crafting a healthy society? The debate rolls on, but not here!

When isolated, we can recall that we are just the latest generation to go in search of God. We have ample testimony from previous generations of His faithfulness. One thing no one else can do for us is to contemplate what such testimony means for today. Have we outgrown a need for a god?

Clearly not, given the fragile state of many individuals challenged through long periods of lockdown. This, in part, can be addressed through specialist services, themselves sadly in short supply. Also, by creating hospitable spaces through existing church communities. Something God invites us to do together.

SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Psa. 133; 145:8–21; Acts 2:40–47; Rom. 12:3–21. 

AN ACTION TO TAKE: Drawing inspiration from God’s works throughout history, can your church community offer hope in your locality?

A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, thank You for the stories of Your faithfulness that build my faith, and may I share them with my community. Amen.’

Photo by JamieBrown2011 on Wikimedia Commons