barnabas today devotionals balance

‘Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, just as you are progressing spiritually.’ (v2) 3 John 2–4 

We seek to live lives of generosity. All too often, our best of intentions is hijacked by a distant, painful memory, or an unfair, instant judgment. I am bemused with both the enthusiasm I have for God’s way, and my often complete ignorance in walking in Jesus’ footsteps.

It is encouraging to discover how God equips us with a compass, a metaphorical aid to navigating the Christian life. We are encouraged to use this compass for two essential purposes.

First, there is a balance between its four points. If I engage too much with God, I instinctively distance myself from the other points: self, neighbours and circumstances.

There’s a chance I become too heavenly-minded and fail to live the God-life in practice. The same can be said whenever we focus too intently on any one of the points; we become self-absorbed, implicated too closely in the lives of others or consumed with the reality of our circumstances.

It’s best to take a balanced and measured view, and live equidistant from each of the points. When here, and it is a difficult space to occupy continuously, I have perspective on the critical areas of my daily life.

Second, I use it as a template for reviewing and praying into my day. Here it offers us the opportunity to consider how we are dealing with our walk of faith. The fruit of our reflection will then feed and focus us on the journey for the next day of challenge. 

barnabas today bible verse 3 john 2

SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Isa. 30:20–26; Micah 4:1–5; Luke 10:38–42; 2 Cor. 5:1–10 

AN ACTION TO TAKE: If useful to you, consider using this compass to help you walk in God’s ways. Audit your life in the light of God’s Word as revealed through Scripture. 

A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, I want to establish a balanced approach to living the Christian life. Please help me. Amen.’

Photo by Barbara Horn on Unsplash

Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.