‘One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him – and he was a Samaritan.’ (vv15–16) Luke 17:11–19
The reaction of the leper who returned to thank Jesus is demonstrative; he ‘threw himself at Jesus’ feet’. This suggests a lot of energy, reflecting the scale of his gratitude. Someone, long placed beyond mainstream society, was cleansed and invited to become part of something precious from which he had been excluded.
Reminiscent of the excitement we felt with the easing of lockdown in May and our freedom to see family and friends again and even hug.
Jesus recalls that there were ten in the original leprous group, yet only one is aware of Jesus’ work of healing and restoration. It’s a stark reminder that we are to live our lives conscious of the grace we enjoy as followers of Jesus.
This God-awareness helps us to keep short accounts with God, and not to wander too far from God’s presence, conscious of our dependence upon the love and life the Spirit of God gives us.
One reason we take time to unlock the Bible every day with Jesus is to nurture our God-awareness. Only through obedience and attending to what God says through His word and in prayer can we successfully walk in Jesus’ footsteps.
RELATED SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Gen. 8:13–22; 2 Sam. 9; Luke 7:36–50; Col. 2:6–10.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: As you read Scripture, take time to become aware of what God is saying to you for today. God is alive and still speaks today.
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, thank You for healing me from sin and its consequences. Teach me to return and give thanks to You often. Amen.’
Photo taken from Pxfuel.com