Worship EDWJ

‘Then all the people left, each for their own home, and David returned home to bless his family.’ (v43) 1 Chronicles 16:37–43

Worship is neither a location nor a specific time. Just as Zadok the priest continued to sacrifice before God’s tabernacle, so we’re invited to worship 24/7. We now carry God’s tabernacle within us, so no matter where we go we are always able to worship.

As temples of the Holy Spirit, we are perpetually in God’s presence and everything we do becomes an act of worship (1 Cor. 6:19–20). Whilst we may select times to gather as congregations, this is only one form of worship. It is not the only worship we are invited to give God. Good news for many who through disability, illness or other circumstances can never attend a physical Christian gathering.

I also draw comfort because as I grow older, less mobile and inevitably lose friends to eternity, I will never be in a position where I cannot worship God. Like all things I believe this takes some consistent practice so that, when required, I shall find myself reaching out to God rather than consumed with my own loneliness. 

Already I am reaping the benefit from establishing a rhythm of worshipful pauses through my day, as described this week. For I know that I’ll encounter God in the silence and solitude wherever I am. If I fail to carry my worship with me wherever I find myself, then I must revisit my whole approach to worship.

RELATED SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: 1 Kings 8:27–30; Psa. 139: 7–12; John 4:19–24; Acts 16:22–34.

AN ACTION TO TAKE: Make a plan to strengthen your worship muscle through dedicated practice in worshipping God as frequently as you can.

A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, I give You thanks that nothing can separate me from Your love, for I am always in Your presence. Amen’ (Rom. 8:38–39).

Photo by Gracious Adebayo and Warren Wong on Unsplash