‘Then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your people Israel and bring them back to the land you gave to them and their ancestors.’ (v25) 2 Chronicles 6:24–25

‘Enemy’ often means an external, human threat and thoughts of physical warfare. Yet, Scripture reminds us that our greatest warfare is with sin.

An unfashionable concept today, sin is anything that leads us away from God. There’s no value spectrum to measure sin against – a minor indiscretion to a major crime. Sin is simply everything, great and small, that obscures the risen Lord.

Confession is a critical foundation on which to build our walk of faith. Rather than reacting to criticism, I can choose to recognise much is true. I’m a fallen human who’s only able to stand by God’s grace.

We can’t add an inch to our height, or an hour to our life. We’re completely dependent upon God. Our promised land is living in God’s immediate presence, yet we easily stray back into the wilderness. The temptation to step away from God is our greatest enemy.

The mind is assaulted by unwelcome thoughts that seek to steer us towards decisions beyond God’s best. I find this is my greatest contest. Resisting temptation’s attempt to control my life is the warfare I must engage in if I’m to abide in God’s provision.

Here alone is my life exclusively available to God’s purpose to which I first surrendered. We are challenged when seeking to live for righteousness in a world deceived by the swirling mists that deceive so many seeking to realise their true potential.

Related Scripture to Consider: 2 Sam. 11; Psa. 141; Matt. 5:33–37; Rom. 6:15–23.

An Action to Take: Deal with temptation by acknowledging it to yourself and God, deliberately getting up and walking away from it (Gen. 39:11–12), and if possible talk with a trusted Christian friend.

A Prayer to Make: ‘Lord, give me the courage and conviction to flee from temptation. Amen.’

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay