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Life of Jesus

How many days did Jesus remain on earth after His resurrection?

Acts 1:3

Whose tomb was used for the burial of Jesus?

Matthew 27.57-60

Who did Jesus raise from the dead after 4 days?

John 11:17, 44

Whom did Jesus call the “generation of vipers”?

Matthew 23:33

At whose house did Jesus dine with sinners and tax collectors?

Luke 5:29-30

What was the first miracle of Jesus?

John 2:11

Who baptized Jesus before he started His ministry?

Matthew 3:13-17

At what age did Jesus first speak with the teachers in the Temple?

Luke 2:46

Where did Jesus and his parents settle down after returning from Egypt?

Matthew 2:23

Name the place where Jesus was born?

Matthew 2:1-2

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