
‘Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.”’ (v15) Exodus 33:12–23

How wonderful it is that the creator of the universe is ready to instruct us in how to live. I could not have wished for a richer life experience than God has kindly given to me. Yet, none of us find it easy.

Caring for my wife for eighteen years as she was destroyed by progressive MS forced me to measure my natural human response to God’s invited response. I was all self-pity, God, all compassion. I was swift to anger, God, our calm in the storm. I grew despondent; God offered hope. We needed God’s presence and to learn to practice the presence of God at all times.

The challenge is always learning to live like Jesus, never just increased knowledge of God. ‘Christian’ means ‘little Christ’. Initially a term of derision, it came to symbolize those who prayed and cared for everyone, regardless of who they were.

Church history tells us a lot. Pandemics aren’t new. From the earliest days the world was silenced as Christians chose to love neighbours practically, remaining with those with the plague, even though it meant sacrificing their own lives.

Government guidelines may change, but Jesus’ command to love and serve our neighbor must always be considered. How like Jesus these people were: incarnate, fleshing out the message of love and hope, whatever the cost.

Our challenge is in God’s invitation to live like Jesus. Through prayer and God’s Word, we can become who God created us to be, for it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me!

Related Scripture to Consider: Ezek. 34:1–10; Acts 11:19–30; Mat. 25:31–46; Gal. 6:1–9.

An Action to Take: What does living every day with Jesus require from you?

A Prayer to Make: ‘Lord, help us to live as an expression of sacrificial love at home, at work and in our communities. Amen.’

Photo by Samantha Sophia on Unsplash