‘And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit’ (v13) Ephesians 1:11–14
The seal of the Holy Spirit is like an engagement ring. It demonstrates that we are pledged to God, and shall ultimately be a part of the mysterious Bride of Christ (2 Cor. 11:2–3). We are joined to Christ ‘the hour we first believed’. Christmas is God’s proposal to humanity.
We receive an invitation to share our life entirely with God. As in every engagement, there are ups and downs. However, we do all the falling out, for God is constant and true to His promises.
Relationships are the product of many decisions. Separation, created by what appears legitimate anger in the moment of its explosive outburst, can only be recovered through eating humble pie and apologizing.
So, with God, we find ourselves stepping in and out of God’s embrace like a yo-yo. Only as we settle and decide to commit entirely to the relationship as valuable in itself, can we find the resilience to press on deeper into God’s heart.
Tantrums laid aside, we discover a rich repository of life, love, acceptance and joy. This despite the tears that mark our cheeks with the sadness that inevitably shapes our life’s narrative. There’s an advertising slogan, ‘A puppy’s for life, not just for Christmas’; this applies so much more to the greatest Christmas gift, Jesus Christ, ‘love divine, all love excelling’.

SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Song of Songs 8:5–14; Isa. 62:1–7; John 3:27–36; Rev. 19:1–10.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: Keeping faith with God is to commit to building an exclusive relationship with Jesus through the Spirit. Are you willing to keep faith with your commitment to Christ?
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, may I always keep my eyes focused on You and take the time to nurture and nourish the gift of my engagement to You. Amen.’
Photo taken from Piqsels.com